Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018 (Monday) Bummin' Around (Still in Zapata TX)

It's has been two weeks since I last posted.  These two weeks have been filled with NOTHING!

It is official.  We have become lazy bums.

Gary and Evelyn left on Tuesday March 13.  Fred and Gay left on Thursday March 15.

The last Tuesday night Jam of this season was March 13; and Thursday the 15th was the last of the Thursday's Jams.

On Wednesday, March 21, papers were signed for us to purchase the adjoining lot to the "back" of us.   
Miss LaLa, the 80-something Spanish only speaking lady, that lives there is ready to go back to Mexico to live with her two daughters.  The deal has been done; however, the mobile home is still there.  It has been sold, by LaLa, but not moved.  

We are hoping that the move will take place soon so we can be here when the move occurs.  

Other than a trip or two to the courthouse, we have done nothing.

Well, almost nothing.  All of the winter things have been stored, ready for our departure.  We are within two hours of being able to leave.  

Thursday, the 22, we went to Rio Grande City, 50 miles south, for lunch and a stop at Walmart.

I will let you know when we are to move on, hit the road, head 'em up move 'em out!  

FYI: the temps have been near 100 the past week.  Spring hibernation; humidity too high with the temps to sit outdoors.  

Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 11, 2018 Sunday Jam

This afternoon Glen and Evelyn participated at the Gospel Jam at Four Seasons RV Park.  There were nine on the stage.  I enjoy the gospel songs, and even heard two that I had never heard before.

Spring flowers are in full swing.  Here's a few pictures of what I saw this afternoon.  The cacti are getting ready to bloom, also.

Amaryllis and bluebonnets

Orchid tree

Crepe Myrtle (There are many different colors)


Unknown variety

Crabapple tree in full bloom
Hope Spring is coming to your area soon.  The temperature reached 98 degrees today!  

Saturday, March 10, 2018

March 10, 2018 "ON THE ROAD AGAIN!"

Jeff and Marcella and Bonnie, the dog, left this morning, heading to San Antonio.  On Tuesday, March 13, Marcella is flying to Denver to meet friends for a week.  Jeff and Bonnie will drive the motor home to Springfield MO.  

They have left a big hole here----literally and figuratively.  We will miss them, but will see them in a month at Cape Girardeau MO.  The driveway where they park the motor home is also mighty empty!

It is also Zapata County Fair Week!  The fair parade was this morning.  There were nearly 50 entries. The main street/highway was lined with spectators.  

A Catholic school float

A family enjoying the parade

Always lots of royalty in the parade:  Miss Falcon Lake

Zapata County Fair Royalty

Viet Nam Veterans

Border Patrolman

Border Patrol on horseback.
The season's last Monday and Thursday jam sessions will be this week.

Evelyn and Gary will be heading north this coming Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6, 2018 It is Glen's Fault (Still in Zapata TX)

It's Glen's fault.

He washed the pick up yesterday.  It rained through the night and is still drizzling.  So much for a clean truck.  However, we very badly needed the one-third inch of rain.  

Glen also gets the credit.

He started and finished the income preparation and filing for 2017.  Hurray for Glen.

Last night was the last Monday night Jam Session at Amigo Inn Motel and RV Park for Marcella and Jeff.  They are heading north this coming Saturday.  Next Monday night, March 12, will be actual last jam session for this season.