Saturday, September 29, 2012

6:10 a.m....I'm hungry. When's breakfast?"

Zade, at 6:10 a.m.:  "mimi, I'm hungry.  When's breakfast?"

Mimi:  "Zade, it is still dark.  Sh-h-h, don't wake your sister or Popppy.  It's too early for breakfast."

Zade: "But, Mimi, I AM HUNGRY!"

We looked for cartoons on TV but it as too early for cartoons.  Breakfast was put off until 7:00 when Ashlynn awakened.

Ashlynn helped break the eggs, and stir them in the bowl for scrambling.

Last night at bedtime Ashlynn had a moment was "needing mommy" but it didn't last long.  I started out in bed with her until she went to sleep.  And...ended the night with Zade in bed with us at 4:10 because he had a bad dream.

Yes! I had a nap this afternoon.

Zade had a soccer game at eleven.  Zade does a very good job dribbling the ball, keeping it under control, and even scored a couple of goals.  Score is not kept; but, believe me, Zade knows who is ahead and who wins!

Glen worked on a couple of outside jobs while I rested.  Darin called and Glen went to his house to help install the new running boards on Darin's new jeep. 

The RV park hosted a pot luck dinner in the meeting room at six. Glen grilled a pork tenderloin, and I prepared corn casserole.  There were about a dozen there for the dinner. 

It's been a quiet evening after dinner, watching the St. Louis Cardinals.

Tomorrow will be the big day for Ashlynn.  It is #6 birthday celebration for her.

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