Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fun, busy, Saturday

It has been a busy Saturday. 

We started with two soccer games...Ashlynn at nine and Zade at ten.  Ashlynn's team won.  Zade's team doesn't keep "score" but Zade knew when his team scored and sad face-knew when the other team also scored!

Ashlynn plays defense.  One quarter she played goalie and did a great job!  The 4-year old teams, Zade's age, has six members; no goalie; coaches on the field; not too many rules.  Glen describes it as "soccer by committee".  I think it looks like a cluster of grapes all trying to kick the ball at the same time. 

We--all six of us---had an early lunch at McAllister's. 

We had a couple of hours of rest; then left for Poplar Bluff.  We stopped at Capetown RV where Glen bought a water filter; then on to Sikeston to the outlet mall.  We bought a couple of small items in the kitchen store.  At the Lee Outle tstore Glen found a couple of end-of-season-sale-marked down denim shorts. 

In Poplar Bluff we had dinner with five other couples.  Each couple brought their own steak/chicken/meat.  Side dishes were baked potatoes, baked beans, salad, rolls, and homemade pies--chocolate, pecan, and coconut creme.  It was all wonderfully delicious and the fellowship sweet.

I took pictures of the soccer games----with a new camera.  In trying to learn a little bit about the camera last night I downloaded a couple of pictures then couldn't find them on the computer.  I want to do a little more studying-or get some advice from an expert- before I download today's pictures. 

Hope you have been able to enjoy this beautiful bright sunshiny day!

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