Thursday, September 6, 2012

Last Day of Rally

We have attended a variety of sessions today.

Glen and I started at "Gate Guarding For Fun and Profit". "Gate guarding" is a way for rv-ers (and others) to earn money. A couple is hired by a service to stand guard at a gate that leads to a drilling site (usually natural gas). The duties are simple...keep a record of any and all who enter and leave the drilling site.

The is on a dusty, bumpy road, miles from towns, and work is 24 hours a day. Some gates are much busier than others. All services--water, generator, sewer- are furnished by the company. The husband/wife works out their own schedules--who works night, who cooks, etc. Days off are when the rig site moves from one location to another.

Greg and Jan, presenters, said they will do it again. They read lots of books, saw wildlife, liked the people they worked with.

We were interested in their experience, but have no plans to "work".

Glen went to a session entitled "The Evolution of the Species", presented by the historian of the MH/RV Hall of Fame. It was about how rvs have changed.

I went to a session entitled "Bring Your Blog to the Next Level!", not what I expected. It was about a couple who have an "audio blog". They have microphones, proper equipment, and broadcast for an hour each Friday. Again, interesting, but not for us.

We are in the process of getting ready to leave in the morning. We are going to northern Indiana to visit friends, go by the Newmar factory warehouse to pick up a bracket and bolt and other things on the list that Glen wants/needs for the mh.

It has been a great week here. The final door prize will be given away at 7 tonight. I will let you know if we win! Don't hold your breath.

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