Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Take It Easy" Day

The day started with a medical appointment for Glen.  He is having some back issues.  After an x-ray and MRI last Friday and review by the doctor it was decided Glen would receive a series of three shots, one every two weeks.  The injections will reduce the inflammation in the spinal discs, and best case scenario, cause the numbness/tingling in his feet to disappear.

Glen was told to take it "easy" the rest of the day.  I am sharing my Kindle with him...ha...and he is reading a book on it. 

Reading and computer kept us busy until time to pick up Ashlynn and Zade from preschool.  We helped Ashlynn get ready for a 5:45 soccer game.  Her parents met all of us at the soccer field. 

Tuesday Nights are Kids' Nights at MacAllister's Deli.  Tonight there was a police car, an ambulance, and the big hook and ladder fire truck at MacAllisters with personnel for the kids/parents to meet and learn about emergency vehicles.

Ashlynn and Zade are in the yellow shirts.

Of course, we all ate dinner there. 

We are looking forward to the fall season of our favorite TV shows.  Do you like the "NCIS" shows? 

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