Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Great Day For.....Anything!

It has been a great day for anything. 

Glen chose to wash the truck.  I was the rinser and dryer!  It does look better.

Of course, it is supposed to rain tomorrow.  If it does, remember Glen gets the credit. 

Today from 3 to 8 p.m. the local Burger King restaurants dedicated 10? percent of all sales to the elementary school that Ashlynn attends.  Yes...you know where we dined!  The Burger King play area was filled with students, K-4, and their families and shrill screams and laughter of students/friends greeting one another. 

Tomorrow Evelyn (Glen's sister) and husband Gary are arriving in their Fifth Wheel RV.  They will be here until Saturday.  We are looking forward to spending time with them.

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