Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A New Toy

It had to happen.

Glen wanted to read on MY Kindle! 

The solution.  We had a whopping $15 reward credit at Best Buy.  Yes...we bought the new Kindle Fire HD--7" screen.  Kindle Fire means everything is in color.  It uses wifi for web connection.  And, lots, lots more things. 

I have played all evening with it.  It is user-friendly.  At least I activated it and set up the second Amazon/Kindle account, and activated email.  When the Kindle Fire was registered the books downloaded on the first Kindle automatically showed up on the Fire. 

I am going to enjoy using this device.  It is going to be easy to read a book on it, as well as everything else it is capable of. 

There is a camera.  I am not sure how much I will actually use that. 

If you have a Fire, let me know your favorite aspect; what you like (beside the books).  I need all the helpful hints I can get. 

Glen spent some time this afternoon trying one more time to find someone--a body shop--who is interested in matching paint for the new front door awning to the body paint.  So far, not much luck. 

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