Saturday, October 13, 2012

Crayons and Coloring Books

It is special time spent with Ashlynn and her crayons, markers, colored pencils and coloring books.  Part of the time we are doing "homework" if she is practicing her letters and spelling words. 

"Mimi," "how do you spell your middle name?"

Or, we might be coloring pages from a coloring book.  Coloring books all have themes these days.  This morning we worked in "Rio" from the Disney movie of the same name.  Sometimes she tells me "Mimi, you are doing a good job."

Zade and Poppy Glen played "catch" in the living room.  Zade does a very good job of keeping control of the ball--no lamps tumbling!  He--Zade--keeps score of the misses and then declares "I have 8 and you have none.  I am the winner!" 

This morning he was watching college football.  It was Ole Miss vs. Auburn.  His mother and dad are graduates of Ole Miss so can figure which is "our team."  Football is more complicated for him but he is learning about four tries to get the ball moved, point after a touchdown, etc. 

Zade had to go to bed last night when the Cardinals were behind 0-6.  His dad Tivo-ed the game and he watched the rest of the game this morning.  He was beaming as he told us "the Cardinals won 9-7." 

It was a great fun time keeping them company this morning while their parents went to Sarah's office to move furniture. 

Hope your Saturday was as much fun as ours.

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