Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cross Country *Greenwood AR- Fairgrounds*

We left Cape Girardeau at 10:10 a.m. after getting hugs and kisses from the grandchildren.  We arrrived at our daughter's home at 5:35 p.m  Arkansas is a w-i-d-e state!  Interstate 40 is mostly rough.  Glen and I always say we wish a highway engineer would ride with us in our motorhome across those kinds of highways just to see how bumpy they are!

There was very little color in the trees as we crossed Arkansas. 

Our daughter met us at the motorhome when we pulled in.  It is good to see her.  Her boys, our two oldest grandsons, are spending the week end with their dad. 

I haven't mentioned that we arrived back in summer-like weather.  The low was 59 degrees this morning; and it is already 80 degrees and 88 percent humidity at 11 a.m. 

We have been out for a bike ride and the humidity made for a stiffle-ing ride. 

We are looking forward to seeing Brady and Tanner this evening.

***Left Cape Girardeau, MO; Arrived Greenwood AR; Sebastian County Fairgrounds***

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