Thursday, October 11, 2012

It's a Large opposed to Small World

It's a Large World....
this afternoon we drove across the bridge to Illinois to admire the few colorful trees, be amazed at the low Mississippi River level, and maybe see a few birds.

We were successful at all but finding birds.  Of course I forgot the camera so will have to go again to take pictures of the Mississippi River.  There is an abundance of sand and gravel bars with hardly enough water for  barges to go north and south on the river.

While at a viewpoint on the river at Thebes, Illinois, a young man...age 28 or so...driving a car with New York license plates struck up a conversation with Glen.

He is from Switzerland.  He has a three month visa, traveling/driving from NYC to Chicago, to St. Louis, down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, through Texas and on to San Francisco. The visa expires December 3, then if he isn't tired of traveling he is going to go on through Mexico and South America.

He was amazed by our lifestyle but we told him in some ways he was doing what we were doing---no schedule, no daily destination, just not in a motor home.

He is traveling alone.  He works from his computer as a web designer.  He spoke very good English.  He didn't realize the Arch was in St. Louis but saw it as he approached St. Louis from the East.  He had seen the Arch in movies.  He stayed overnight in St. Louis so he could go to the top of the Arch the next morning.  He had such happiness on his face as he talked about the Arch. 

Another thing he was amazed about was the flat land/fields.  He said in Europe there is no flat land. 

He said everyone he has met/talked to has been "so friendly and helpful."  Isn't it a great thing that he has such a good impression of our country. 

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