Monday, October 22, 2012

More FamilyTime

It has been a quiet day.

We prepared taco salad for the extended family. 

Glen drove Tanner to Kook Sol Wan and picked him up two hours later.

Trisha went to dentist and learned she has to have a crown attached? installed?Go  back in three weeks.

We enjoyed spending time with Brady, age 15, and his best friend, also age 15.  Brady played with the Kindle Fire and worked with the settings.  He knows so much more than we do about all things electronic.  Of course he has had at least one class a year that teaches computers and how they work. 

Trisha doesn't have a tv in the living room so wasn't able to watch Cardinals.  Except we are now home and are sad to learn they are behind 7-0 in sixth inning.  I am not giving up hope but it doesn't look good for the St. Louis Cardinals

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