Thursday, October 25, 2012

Routine Days with Family

We are enjoying the time spent with our family.  

Tonight was "parent/teacher" conference, which means a day off tomorrow. 

I am not sure what they have planned for the day off.  Trisha and Jeff are having a deck added to the back of the house.  Glen has spent some time with the builder and done some errands related to the building project.

I caught up with laundry yesterday. 

Trisha didn't come home until 8:45 tonight so Glen and I took care of dinner.  Glen grilled a pork tenderloin, I prepared corn casserole, steamed carrots--just for Brady, his favorite, baked potatoes, hot rolls, and brownies and ice cream for dessert. 

Brady and Tanner each have a friend spending the night.  Two teenagers and two pre-teen (12yrs) boys!  Lots of wrestling on the floor, teasing each other, games on the screen, etc. 

The strong wind finally blew in a rain shower and lower temperatures.  Shortly after midday the temperature reached 81 degrees, and it is now 50 degrees with a light wind. 

Have a great week end.

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