Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A "Me" Day!

This day has been all about me.  I say it without shame.  It has been wonderful!

First..a massage.  Oh my goodness, the masseuse had magic fingers.

Second..a haircut.  Glen can quit saying "you need a haircut!"

Third..a facial.  More magic fingers. 

Glen even went grocery shopping, came home and put them away while I was gone.  He is a super husband.

Tonight will be the last evening in Cape Girardeau for this fall season
We will be saying goodbye to Ashlynn and Zade, Sarah and Darin tonight.  We will see them over the Thanksgiving holiday, but not here. 
Saying "good-bye" is the difficult part of "full-timing".  Ashlynn and Zade are old enough now to realize that we will be gone for "a long time"!  They will change and grow up over the winter. is time to find the warmer temperatures!

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