Monday, November 26, 2012

Catching Up ...Summarizing..Pictures...PART ONE--11-20-12

Where do I start?

Tuesday, Nov 20
Gary, Evelyn, Mike, Tammy, Glen and I went to "the city"...Kansas City, MO and KS.
We started the day at the Truman Presidential Library, Independence MO.  We all enjoyed having our memories jogged as to what happened in history in the late 1940's. 

Truman became president when FDR died, and served a total of 7 years.

If only politicians learned from history!  What was happening in 1948 is still relevant in 2012..."entitled to education, good medical care, and a decent place to live."

This was the third presidential library for us to visit this year! Just ten more to go.

On to "Steamboat Arabia" museum in downtown KC.

 September 6, 1856 The steamboat Arabia left St. Louis, headed to Council Bluff Iowa, struck a snag after leaving KC MO and sunk.  "She", Arabia, carried over 200 tons of fine dishware, jewelry, guns, gold and other precious items. 

Arabia stayed buried until 1988 when a group of men decided to see if she could be located.  The river's course moved over the many years.  The steamboat was found some 45 feet underground beneath a Kansas farm field. 

What was found was a time capsule of preserved 1856 frontier supplies.  The museum is filled with rooms of dishes, buttons, leather goods, kitchen ware, etc etc,..items that frontier towns needed.

This is a remarkable mueum, all items well displayed, and all boggles the mind that the mud preserved the items so perfectly. 

We highly recommend this museum if you are in the area.

The day ended with us attending a dinner theater.  The production was "The Game's Afoot or Holmes for the Holidays".  Marion Ross, mother of Richie Cunningham on "Happy Days" was the star of the "whodunit".  The play was filled with humor and excellent acting. 

The dinner buffet was delicious and served before the start of the play.  Dessert was served during the intermission. 

It was a great day!

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