Friday, November 16, 2012

Have I Mentioned.......

.....Have I mentioned that we have had to scrape frost off the truck windshield the past two mornings???  That is way too cold for these travelers!

One more day/night in Poplar Bluff!

I went to the imaging department early this morning for one more scan...this one took two minutes.  A call from the doctor's office thirty minutes later indicated we should stay in town, until the doctor saw the results of the scan.

By check out time here at the rv park, we still hadn't heard from the doctor.  We paid for one more night.  We finally heard from the doctor's office, and received the news that my thyroid is "normal".  That is the good news we were waiting for!  But, one more trip to the lab for more blood work.

However, we can leave PB.  The doctor will call next week with the results of the last lab work. 

Rather than sit in the motor home all afternoon, and even though, we are both still coughing, we drove east to Otter Slough State Wildlife Refuge.  I thought there would be some waterfowl in the flooded areas. 

There were several thousand waterfowls, but most of the roads were closed because of the hunting seasons.  Bummer.  The most unexpected water fowl seen were four swans--trumpeter, I think.  They were at the other end of the pond from us. 

We saw...mallards, coots, pied-billed grebe, n. shovelers, pintail, widgeons, great blue herons, red-tailed hawks, kestrel, shrike, snow geese, snow geese-blue phase,---and the swans. 

It was a good afternoon. 

We ARE going to leave in the morning, heading to Evelyn and Gary's home. 

Call, leave a message, text, or send email the next week if you need to be in touch with us.

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