Friday, November 30, 2012

It is Fixable! 11-30-2012 (Cottonwood RV Pk, Columbia, MO)

Just a short report on my thyroid.  Aren't you excited!!

The condition is "not unusual and fixable"!.  There is at least one nodule causing the thyroid to overwork.  The fix....drink a cocktail of radioactive iodine which causes the nodule to die!  Then regular lab work to check on the condition of the thyroid. 

The cocktail will be dispensed at the Univ of Missouri Hospital in Columbia, MO, Tuesday morning.  That will be it until March.

We drove to Columbia this afternoon, parked at Cottonwood RV Park.  We could have stayed close to my mother's but there is absolutely no cell phone service there.   I have already had two phone calls from the Hospital....a good decision to have phone service!  Hospitals/clinic always have questions about insurance!

It has been many years since we have spent any time in/around Columbia.  It is a Big City.  We might even get the bikes out tomorrow and go to the Katy Trail for a ride. 

We checked into attending the basketball game at Univ of Missouri tomorrow afternoon.  The only tickets available are in the "upper level" and are not cheap.  We decided that we could see the game better on TV. 

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