Sunday, November 4, 2012

Long Day--8 and 1/2 hours on the road!

There's not  much to be written when it has been on the road from Greenwood Arkansas back to Cape Girardeau, MO.

And....we were accompanied by Ashlynn and Zade!  Darin and Sarah were in their vehicle, usually several minutes ahead of us!

We met Trisha, Brady, Tanner and Landon, and Darin, Sarah, Ashlynn and Zade at the IHOP in Ft. Smith for breakfast. 

It has been many years since we have eaten at an IHOP.  It was very good food.

We were on the road at 10"05, and arrived in Cape Girardeau at 6:30. 

I entertained Ashlynn and Zade.  They both love pencils and papers, so we drew pictures, colored with markers, and made lists, counting the "rv's, yellow cars, and jeeps", all things they could identify easily.  They had Barbie dolls, and hot wheel cars. 

We plan on sleeping in!  Late! which with the time change means 7:30!  Glen has an eye doctor appointment early afternoon.  Other than that no plans for Monday.

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