Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Fun is Beginning (12-29-2012)

I talked to my brother who lives in south central Iowa this morning.  He reported the temperature at 8:30 a.m. at 11 degrees F with a wind chill of -7 degrees with snow on the ground.  He is doing carpenter work on a new construction house.  I say all this to say...

I appreciate the weather in south Texas!  :}  It was breezy and a high of 59 degrees today.  We put up the wind screens in the outdoor living space and turned on the propane heater so we could eat potato soup outdoors for lunch. 

We...Gary, Evelyn, Glen and I, played several games of cards--"Hearts".  We had a siesta time--we are in south Texas, remember, and played more cards.  Glen and Evelyn also had Music Time. 

Hope you are enjoying the last days of 2012.  Do you experience the sensation of the days flying by? 

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