Monday, January 7, 2013

A Great Day (1-7-2013)

Wow, spent most of the day OUTSIDE!  The sun was shining, the wind was just a breeze, and the temperature reached 65 degrees.

We cleaned/straightened the OLS (Outdoor Living Space) in anticipation of an afternoon of music, dinner, and football. 

Fred and Gay arrived mid-afternoon, for 2-plus hours of music.  The Four Amigos--Glen, Evelyn, Gay, Fred, do a great job.  The music ends when the guitar players can't play anymore because of sore fingers!

Dinner consisted of grilled brats, macaroni salad prepared by Evelyn, summer sausage prepared by Gary, cheese, chips and dips. 

Did I mentioned that the music and dinner happened outdoors! 

By the time it was football game we moved to our motor home.  We cheered for Notre Dame, but it wasn't enough.  Alabama "rolled" over them.  During one of the commercial breaks we served apple dumplings prepared by Gay with ice cream.  Um-m-m, delicious!

There is 60 percent change of rain Tuesday and Tuesday night with warmer temperatures.  I think it would be fun to sit in the OLS and watch it rain!

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