Sunday, February 3, 2013

Saturday, Feb 2

Late Friday night we decided to go to Laredo Saturday morning.  Both Glen and I had prescriptions to be picked up at Walmart Pharmacy. 

So-o--o, that is what we did!

First stop was at Walmart.  Of course there was other things to pick up beside the medication! 

Then off to Lowe's, and Sam's Club.

The final stop was "Paraque's Grill".  This is a great Mexican restaurant.

As soon as we were seated the waiter brought homemade corn and flour tortilla chips with four kinds of dip---a re fried bean dip, a tomato-ey salsa, an avocado based dip, and a too-hot-to-eat pico do gallo. 

  The two couples each shared an entree, which was plenty for each of us.  Glen and I had shrimp fajitas, and Gary and Evelyn had shrimp tacos.  Oh, boy, were they delicious. 

Upon return to home we put away all of the things we had bought, and  relaxed for a couple of hours.

Because, we then went to church for "movie night".  The church was dark and locked when we arrived.  Fred and Gay and another car drove up.  A call to the preacher revealed that movie night had been moved to next Saturday night.  Plan B went into action--invite Fred and Gay over to our place.

They accepted and we played cards until 9:30!

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