Friday, March 22, 2013

3-22-2013 Yard Sales and More Fishing Tournament

I joined three neighbors this morning to go to some yard sales.  I must admit I am not usually a big yard sale-er because I usually don't find anything but these ladies are experienced and know where the sales are.

Dee, the driver, was on the look out for glass beads/jewelry.  She makes zipper pulls.  Glenda bought three pair of new tennis shoes; I bought two watches for 25-cents plus a Texas Wildflower ID book for 50-cents.  I was the last of the big spenders!!

This afternoon we attended the afternoon weigh-in of Day Two of the B.A.S.S Elite fishing tournament.  We learned today that all 100 fishermen fish the first two days.  Day 3 the top 50 fish.  Day 4 the top 12 fish.  

The fisherman who weighed the top five yesterday had the top 5 today for a two day total of 62 pounds 6 ounces.  The big bass today was 11 pounds 13 ounces.  Here are a few pictures showing the sponsored pick-ups that pull the sponsored boats.  The boats were out on the water.  

 The Angler of the Year wins the above boat.

Below are some of the big bass caught today.

 I think this is the big bass or second big bass of the day--10 pounds 13 ounces.  There might have been one weighed after this that hit over 11 pounds.  It is hard to remember ALL of the details.
These five were the winning total weight for today.  These five weighed 34 pounds 13 ounces.  The same fisherman had yesterday winning total, also.  His two-day total 62 pounds 6 ounces.

This is more than sport fishing.  These anglers make a living doing all of this fishing.  It is a nomadic life.  The next tournament is next week end at Bull Shoals Lake in SW Missouri.

Between going to yard sales and watching fish I baked a cake to take to a funeral lunch in the morning.  Tonight we went to visitation for a gentleman from First Baptist Church here in Zapata .

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