Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013 Last Night's Fun

Fred and Gay, our good friends from Oklahoma, came over last night.  Fred's son, Mike and Mike's best friend, Rusty, were with Fred and Gay.

Mike and Rusty have been here a week tomorrow, doing lots of fishing.  There hasn't been a lot of "catching", but lots of fishing.  

Gary put on his chef hat last night and prepared the best-ever Reuben sandwiches.  Gay brought deviled eggs; and I contributed jalapeno' poppers and dip/chips.  It was a great meal.

We sat around the table until 10:30, exchanging funny stories, forging the bond of friendship even stronger.  

Today has been quiet!  Sh-h-h!  Not much going on at all.

Gary took his pick up to a mechanic this morning to see if the problem of insufficient air conditioning could be solved.  The mechanic did three hours of work.  The trip back to Missouri should provide the opportunity to see if the a/c works properly.  

Did you notice I slipped in "back to Missouri"?  Yes, Gary and Evelyn are making plans to head north to Missouri.  The plans are to depart this coming Wednesday morning.  Boy, will we miss them!  But we understand their desire. Evelyn wants to be part of the Palm Sunday service at their church, and, they are stopping in Oklahoma to see a great granddaughter that has arrived since they have been in Texas.  

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