Saturday, April 27, 2013

4-27-13 A Rainy Ole Day

It rained through the night and most of today.  A rainy ole day.

We attended the services this morning for my aunt.  The memorial service was followed by a family lunch.  Of course there were lots of hugs when it was time to say "good-bye".

Glen and I changed to more comfortable clothes and drove to the care center where my mother is now living.  

My brother just younger than me, Ron, was there visiting when we arrived.  We all talked until time for her to go to the dining room for her supper.  Mom is adjusting fairly well.  She did asked when we were going to get her out of there**.  Of course, in the next course of conversation she asked where she was.  

**Ron and I both reassured her she was right where we wanted her.  We didn't have to worry about her falling.  Ron told her she had "someone to take care of her medicine and meals, and to wait on her hand and foot.  What more could she want!"  

When we arrived back in Missouri's capital city, we drove around the beautiful capitol building located on the high banks of the Missouri River.  The tulip beds and the red bud trees are in full bloom; the dogwood trees are just breaking into bloom. 

Just a few blocks from the Capitol is the "old" Missouri State Penitentary facility.  At some time we would like to take a tour of the facility.  We will put that on the "to do " list.  Just looking at the penitentary building itself would have kept me from ever straying from the "straight and narrow way."  

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