Tuesday, April 30, 2013

4-30-2013 Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to our daughter, Trisha, today.  It is also our niece Teresa's birthday.

May you each have a great day.

There are headache leftovers this morning.   But, it is not nearly as bad as yesterday.  I have hope I may move without my head falling off.

(9:00 p.m.)

Today was better, relatively speaking, than yesterday; but, the headache just wouldn't go away. I finally went to a walk-in clinic about two this afternoon.

I was told it was unusual for someone "my age" to have a migraine for the first time.  A CAT scan was ordered to rule out different things.  The scan showed nothing there! :}  Which turns out to be a good thing.

The nurse practitioner ordered a pain medication, which i am happy to say is helping.

I am going to assume tomorrow is going to be a better day!

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