Thursday, May 16, 2013

5-16-2013 Busy-ness

Aunt Myrna has been indoctrinated in the activities of a family with young children.

Tonight she went with us to watch Ashlynn practice gymnastics.  

Earlier in the afternoon neice Beth stopped by with her four children.  Beth was on her way to T--ball practice and swim team practice for two of her children.

Glen and Myrna went biking and hiking this morning.  I am not quite up to that much activity but am working up to it.  

Myrna, Glen and I visited the local farmer's market this afternoon.  Glen and Myrna each picked up fresh strawberries.  My favorite fresh fruit has been stricken from my diet.  Boo hoo!  Myrna bought fresh-baked sourdough break.  We bought a bottle of lotion made with goat's milk.  

As you prepare for the week-end, have a good day.

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