Saturday, May 18, 2013

5-18-2013 Saturday

The joys of a laundrymat!  

     You can use 6 machines at one time!
     All loads can be drying at the same time!

The downside of a laundry mat!

      It is usually located in an area filled with families with lots of children who accompany the mother doing the laundry.
     The building has usually not been renovated in many years.

All in all:  it doesn't take all day to get a hamper of dirty clothes clean!  

We have discussed the merits of having a washer/dryer combo in the motor home.  Those who have one really like it; those who don't talk about how small the unit is.  Very few items can be washed/dried at one time.  Oh, well, I am not ready to give up the storage space needed to install a combo unit.  

We enjoyed an 'in-home' picnic with Ashlynn and Zade and Darin at lunch time!   We came home to nap!  One of us did.  Glen ran to Walmart instead!

Darin, Ash and Zade were here to watch the first few innings of the Cardinal game.  

We are discussing plans for this next week, which involve packing a suitcase.  I will let you know tomorrow the final decision.

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