Wednesday, May 29, 2013

5-28/29-2013 Easy Peasy

On the way to Branson a week ago the truck windshield caught a gravel, which made a pock mark.  The next day the star/pock grew and grew!

Glen reported it to insurance Tuesday.  Today the SafeLite technician came to our rv site to replace the windshield.

Before--bugs and all

Taking the glass out

One person installation

Almost finished.

One experience technician and the correct tools made the job look easy-peasy!  
We watched Zade and "The Batz" t-ball team play tonight.  Zade's team is down to seven players.  Zade had three good hits, all to the outfield.  

Our daughter, Trisha, is scheduled for microscopic knee surgery in the morning.  We will be anxious to hear the surgery is over, and her knee is fixed/repaired.

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