Friday, May 3, 2013

5-3-2013 You Know It Is Cold When.....

When you are watching your grandson shoot clay pigeons at the regional meet and can see his breath, his fingers are like icicles, it is 41 degrees, rainy, windy, and he (Tanner the grandson) didn't wear enough layers for the competition.  

Tanner: waiting his turn

Tanner:  "pull!"

Oh, my, it was cold.  We all had on stocking caps or hoodies, gloves, and heavy coats.  Right now (9:30 p.m.) the skies are clear but the last forecast is for rain showers mixed with snow showers for in the morning.  There is a freeze warning for in the morning.

Both Brady and Landon (Trisha and Jeff's sons) are scheduled to shoot at 9 a.m.  Br-r-r-r!

Obviously we stayed in the motor home all of the rest of the day.  We taught Tanner how to play "hearts"; and we played "Yahtzee" also.

We will travel back to Cape Girardeau tomorrow after Brady and Landon are finished.

Hope you are having a great week end.

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