Saturday, June 1, 2013

6-1-2013 A Varied Day

We had asked our mail forwarding service to send out mail to my brother's address a couple of days ago.  As my brother is the local rural mail carrier he called this morning to say the mail had arrived.  We met him at the post office to pick up the mail.  

There was nearly a month's worth of mail, but nothing very important.  Being involved in the ER a couple of times resulted in several surveys from the hospital.  I suggested that not sending surveys would save in postage and trees.

The rain that started yesterday afternoon continued to pound the roof all through the night.  We were glad that we were on top of a hill.  My brother said there was four and half inches of rain in his rain gauge.  There will be no cutting hay this week.  It's too wet to get in the fields and then more rain is forecast to arrive by Wednesday.

We arrived at the care center (that sounds better than nursing home, doesn't it) to find my mother asleep in her chair.  We knocked on the door, awakening her.  She was happy to see us.  We had a good visit with her.  My brother and sister reported that she had been unhappy about being there, wanted to "go home" the last two visits with her.  

Mom shared with us about the residents on her wing; we walked outside admiring and smelling all of the roses growing along the front fence.  We walked her to the dining room.  

It is good to see Mom.  The regular meals and medication and physical therapy have helped her.  She gets frustrated when she can't think of what she wants to say, but that will never get better.  It is sorta like "20 questions" or "give me a hint" sometimes trying to help her think!

We met my sister Jan and husband Bruce at four for a late lunch/early dinner at "Bandana's", a bar-b-que place.  We had a great visit before they went to their older granddaughter's dance recital.  

Hope you are having a great week end.

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