Saturday, June 15, 2013

6-15-2013 Father's Day Eve

Ashlynn and Zade came to visit this morning while their parents ran errands.  Ashlynn and I rode  our bikes on the bike trail.

Zade and Poppy Glen played pitch and catch!  Can you imagine?  :}

Poppy Glen then chose where he wanted to eat lunch for Father's Day Eve!  We went to "El Tapatio" for a delicious Mexican meal.  

Sarah, Darin and kids will go to Poplar Bluff tomorrow to celebrate Father's Day with Sarah's dad--and mother.

After afternoon nap time Ashlynn, Zade, Sarah and Darin met us at the RV park swimming pool for an hour or so of water play time.  

The evening ended with, can you guess?, the St. Louis Cardinal baseball game.  

It was a wonderful Father's Day Eve!

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