Monday, June 17, 2013

6-17-2013 Let It Rain!

Glen made a couple of stops this morning, looking for info about the motor home.  

One is regarding the ice maker in the refrig.  A week ago he went to Youngblood RV to ask about having the ice maker replaced.  So far he hasn't heard back from them.  There were three employees behind the counter who never stood up, never walked to the counter, just sat in their chairs and indicated they didn't know anything about it  and didn't really care!   

So much for doing business with them.  I think Plan B involves ordering the ice maker from Amazon and Glen doing the installing.  

The other issue involved having valves in the engine replaced.  The Cummins truck business indicated that "if it isn't broke, don't do anything."

Glen then went to Darin's and mowed the yard and used the weed-eater, finishing just before the rains came.  Happy Father's Day, Darin.

There was a big thunder boom, a big gust of wind, and the rains started.  Between 11 and 2 there was approximately 5-6 inches of rain.  There has been several more hard showers since then.  

Hope you were able to celebrate and honor the fathers/dads in your family yesterday.

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