Thursday, June 20, 2013

6-20-2013 Random Ramblings

As I type today's date on the title, I realize it is my grandpa's birthday.  It is a strange feeling to remember he was born in 1900, making today his 113th birthday.  

I think this makes me feel old...or at least older.  

Glen had all the prep work done on the electrical box/plug for the parking site at my sister/BIL's farm.  It didn't take long for it all to be done.

Bruce, (Brother In Law--BIL) was in the hay field, cutting hay when we arrived.  Glen plans to get involved in the raking and baling.

My sister Jan was doing remarkably well for it to be the day after surgery.  She is a trouper, a super-woman, with super powers of recovery.  I would be whining, and moaning!

Jan also shared a big bag of garden lettuce with us.  Thanks, Jan!

After leaving Jan/Bruce's we went to the care center to "visit" with Mom.  "Visit" is used loosely.  It is hard to carry on a conversation with her; she can't hear, can't remember people, can't say the word/words she want to say. You get the picture.  

June 20....the longest period of daylight and the shortest period of darkness.  The official beginning of summer.  

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