Thursday, June 27, 2013

6-27-2013 Cape Splash! Keeping Cool!

The best reason to be outside on a day that is 105 degrees is to play in the water.

Trisha, Brady, Tanner, Zade, Ashlynn, Glen and I went to Cape Splash, city-owned water park, this morning.  I kept up with Ashlynn; Brady, Tanner, Poppy Glen and Trisha played with Zade.  Ashlynn like the "swirly" pool, and everyone liked "The Lazy River",  riding the tube.  

Zade took a long nap in preparation for pre-game pizza party and the last tee-ball game of the season.  Ashlynn rested in preparation for "gymnastics" lesson.  

Trisha and Brady and Tanner will be leaving in the morning when Darin and Sarah head off to work.  They will have about 7 hours to drive tomorrow.  Thankfully Brady is now driving and can relieve Trisha as needed.  

If Ashlynn and Zade sleep past normal get-up time,  I will take them to school whenever they awaken.

It has been a great two day visit with both of our children and our grandchildren.  Of course we wish Jeff and Landon and Natalie could have been here.

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