Friday, July 19, 2013


Happy Birthday to my dear sister today!  Jan, you are a jewel.  Hope you have had a great day.

About today here in Mackinaw City, MI:  I was right.  It was rainy til mid afternoon.  We all visited and caught up on family news.  

In town we went to the top floor of Mamma Mia's Pizza to see some memorabilia of building the five-mile long bridge between the lower peninsula and upper peninsula of Michigan.

The upper floor of the pizza place is an informal, one-room museum.

One amazing fact according to the film is there were only five workers deceased during the building of the bridge.  The construction took place in the early 1950's.

The family group gathered for dinner tonight.  Gary and Evelyn furnished and prepared pineapple-flavored brats.  Everyone else brought a side dish.

More fun on the agenda tomorrow.  Check back.

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