Saturday, July 27, 2013

7-27-2013 South on Highway 31 Four Hours (Home of Dave/Laurie Stults, Argos, IN)

As I mentioned it was 56 degrees this morning when we headed south.  There were scattered showers the entire four-hour trip.

We are parked at the home of friends Dave and Laurie Stults, near Argos, IN.  

Dave and Glen were in the Army at the same time in 1969. There was instant friendship, which has lasted since 1969.

They have special plans for us tonight.  I hope the rain doesn't interfere.  I will have pictures for you later this evening.  

BTW, it is cool enough for a sweatshirt, jacket, and long pants since the evening's activities are outdoors.  

I cannot complete the mission of showing pictures of tonight's activities.  Boo hoo.

Glen picked up the camera to take with us.  Little did he know that the camera SD chip was not in the camera.  It was in the computer where I had been downloading pictures.  No pictures of.....

harness racing.  Dave's sister Judy and her husband have three horses that do harness racing.  It was the first time that either Glen or I have seen that particular horse event.  It took place on a track in the country.  There were many Amish and Mennonite there to watch.  Several of the horses were owned and trained by the Amish.  

There was even a crash.  One horse/buggy was squeezed in by two other teams.  The jockey was thrown onto the ground and the horse got one of his hooves trapped inside the buggy wheels.  The jockey and horse didn't have any injuries.  The race was delayed and finished later.  

We enjoyed a late dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  Dave and Laurie then took us to Dave's daughter's---Gayla--home.  Yes  that Gayla is my namesake!  We were able to visit with Gayla and son Blake.  

More fun is planned for tomorrow!

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