Wednesday, July 31, 2013

7-31-2013 It's Official

It's official.  We take the motor home to the paint shop tomorrow.  Michelle, the owner of shop, said it may take up to a week; but, she may work on it all week end.  Who knows what day next week she will be finished

Today Glen drove the MH to the refrigerator service center.  We learned that the "new" ice maker that Glen ordered from E-bay was a knock-off, not a true name brand.  The technician showed Glen where the wires were black where a fire nearly started.  Do we feel blessed or what!

The new ice maker is installed and is making ice!  Hurray.  

We found the Super WalMart and had prescriptions refilled.  

Since the MH will be at the paint shop for several days, we have to pack a suitcase.  Do I remember how? 

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