Monday, August 12, 2013

8-12-2013 State Fair

Glen's sister/brother in law, Evelyn and Gary, are members of the Missouri Cattlemen's Association.  

As part of the Cattlemen's Assoc they were going to work at the Beef House 1:30-6:00.  

We four went to the Fairgrounds about 10:30 and walked around.  We were most disappointed because there were no programs in the Mattison's Arena, where the mule jumping, or cattle penning, or dogs penning cattle, or 6-horse hitch and trailers, etc events are usually held.  Well, there was the dog show this morning, but that isn't our favorite.

We separated from Gary/Evelyn about 1:00 as they prepared to work.  We ate lunch at the Beef House...BTW they have great rib eye steak sandwiches.

We looked through a couple of "commercial" buildings---think infomercials in person!  Didn't find a thing we couldn't live without.

Glen and I rode the tractor-drawn trams all the way around fairgrounds, which gives a great view of all the buildings.

Glen brought me home about three and went back.  The sun had popped out, causing high humidity and heat.  I enjoyed the air conditioning while he looked around more.

Glen and Evelyn and Gary got back to the campground about 7.  Evelyn and Gary said 'good-bye" and "see you in a couple of weeks" and headed back to their home.

We are headed to the customized RV site at my sister and brother in law's----personally mowed and trimmed by Jan and Bruce  :} in the morning.  

It's time for a visit with Mom.

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