Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9-17-2013 Long-time Friends

Not "old", but long time friends are the best!  Two couples from Poplar Bluff came over today.

Oh, my.  The things that all of us are dealing with.  Do you shake your head when you hear about others' problems/issues?  It makes my heart hurt.

Of course, I am referring to medical issues, whether it be a mother, aunt, or sister.  

A burden shared isn't nearly as heavy, at least for a short time.  It is something we all understand for all of us have already dealt with such things, or are currently dealing with.

A reminder for you: count your blessings. 
     Listen to that friend who needs to vent, say aloud those things that are filling her mind/heart.
     Offer, and mean it, to drive your friend wherever she needs to go; fix a meal; do laundry; the smallest errand will be appreciated.  
      Send a card, write a note of encouragement.
      And, say a prayer to the Great Physician.

I didn't begin this with the notion this would be a sermon.  But, this is what I needed to say this evening.

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