Monday, September 2, 2013

9-2-2013 TWINKIES!

Guess what I had for the first time ever this evening?

Yes, it was a Twinkie.  At least I don't remember ever having one before.  It was good!

Fred and Gay shared with us tonight as we played a couple of games of cards.  

This morning, Fred and Gay, Glen and I went to the nine o'clock performance of "Patsy Cline Remembered".  I can't tell you the name of the performer..."C.J." something.  She was very good.  Her band was called the "Re-cliners".  Isn't that a cool name.

We then took a drive over the dam, up by the entrance to the "Branson Belle", the "Ducks", and back in by School of the Ozarks, and back to Riverside RV Park.  

I can't speak for anyone else, but I took a nap this afternoon.  Glen, Fred and Gay had a two-hour jam session after nap time.  The evening finished with a couple of card games.

We are mostly ready to leave in the morning.  It has been a great week.

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