Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10-30-2013 Traveling In The Rain (Greenwood AR Fairgrounds)

In the past six years rainy travel days have been rare.  Today was one of them.

We left central Missouri, Miller County, home of my sister Jan and husband Bruce, this morning, heading to our daughter Trisha and husband Jeff, and family, just south of Ft. Smith, ARK.

The south half of Highway 71 between Joplin and Ft. Smith was absolutely gorgeous.  The fall colors were so concentrated and beautiful and thick.  The northeast section of the US couldn't be any better than what we saw today.  The downside was it was rainy, and couldn't take pictures.  It was reminiscent of the Smokey Mountains with steam/fog lifting into the sky over the creeks amid the varied colors of the trees.  

We are parked and set up for the next 20 days or so.  

Brady and Landon continue (of course) to be taller each time we see them.  Tanner had something to do after school so haven't seen him.  

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