Saturday, October 5, 2013

10-4-2013 Welcome Home, Brother (San Antonio KOA, Texas)

As we traveled this morning we enjoyed seeing the cotton fields being picked!  

Forty-seven Army soldiers, members of the 299th Engineers, who first met in 1969, reunited tonight in downtown San Antonio, Texas.  These 47 soldiers served at a special time in a special location under special circumstances.  

In May 1969 to July 1969 approximately 400 US soldiers were surrounded by approximately 14000 to 15000 North Vietnamese soldiers at Dak To, South Vietnam, near the Laos/Cambodia borders.  There were battles, shelling, bombing, all of the things associated with war.  One ambush was even described in the September 19 1969 issue of LIFE magazine.

For some unknown reason, those engineers survived the daily onslaught, and one day those 14000 NVA disappeared back into the jungle.

There has been a reunion of those soldiers annually for the past ten years.  Each year brings newly-located soldiers/brothers.  Tonight there were 5-7 attending for the first time.  These reunions bring remembering, healing. 

Even after 44 years there is a need for healing.  One of those attending for the first time said tonight "every night I think of you, I remember you, I remember what we went through, I remember what we survived."  

These are the 47 Dak To Defenders attending.

This is Company D of the Dak To Defenders; Glen is the back left.

Tomorrow brings another day of reunion.  As you read this, you may be reminded of someone you know, love.  Welcome them home.  They may never have heard those words "Welcome Home Brother!"

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