Thursday, November 14, 2013

11-14-13 Grandsons

The past few days have been of the mundane, normal, nothing extraordinary variety; hence, no blogs.

We are, however, about caught up on all filing.  Where does all that paper come from?  

Tonight, after school, all three grandsons were actually home at the same time.  Usually there is church, or baseball practice, or work, or friends keeping one away.

Here are pictures of our three older grandsons:

Tanner, age 13/8th grader; Brady, age 16/10th grader (Trisha's boys)

Brady: guitar player, all things computer, trap shooter, x-box gamer

Tanner: trap shooter, x-box gamer, brown/black belt in kook sol won

Landon: baseball player, x-box gamer, trap shooter (Jeff's son)

Tanner, Brady, Landon: blended brothers, good friends

Natalie, age 14, 9th grader, wasn't home tonight for pictures.  I will add her to the group soon. She's the "rose among the thorns"!  

Imagine this:  feeding these three--either at home, or eating out!  Three meals a day is not enough.  Brady--6'5; Landon--6'; Tanner--5'10" and just starting to grow!

I studied vocabulary with Brady and Dax (neighbor and friend of Brady) tonight.  Vocab words were to be used in sentences that applied to the play "Antigone".  Not familiar with Antigone?  It is a Greek myth that involves Antigone, Oedipus, and other family members.  Oh, yes, that Antigone! (ha)

I left before Biology vocab word study began!  Those words had to do with cells.  I am not sure I learned in college what they were studying tonight.   

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