Saturday, November 2, 2013

11-2-13 Oh, What Fun!

Oh, what fun!

We ALL slept in this morning!

Brady and Tanner had bragged on breakfast at "The Egg and I".  Brady said "Grammy, their pancakes are even better than yours!  

Off we went to check out the pancakes.  The edges of the pancake hung over edges of the big plate.  Tanner added two scrambled eggs and bacon to his pancake and ate all of it!  I had the pumpkin waffle with pecan crumble over the top.  It was awesome, sweet enough to be a dessert.

Glen had French toast with eggs and bacon making it a combo. Brady had a pancake and licked the platter clean.  

All pancakes are made with whole wheat flour.

This family would highly recommend "The Egg and I" for breakfast.

Glen and Brady got a much-needed haircut.

Back in the summer Brady and Landon's bikes were stolen from the driveway, parked just in front of the garage door.  The police recovered Brady's bike from a ditch near Ft. Smith.  Because he had a record of the serial number the police returned his.  Landon's bike was/has not been recovered.

Brady's bike had a broken seat and the back tire had been stabbed with a knife.  Glen and Brady replaced the flat/damaged tire. 

Brady and Tanner said we had to eat at "Larry's Pizza" for dinner.  It was a good thing Larry had buffet because Brady and Tanner ate several pieces.

We visited with Willie, age 90, who is in the rehab unit of an assisted living facility after pizza.  Willie is Jeff's dad.  Willie is suffering with reoccurring gout.  His hand looked much better today than this past Wednesday.

With lots of giggling and smiles and fun we played a new card game called "golf", and Sorry, and Crazy Eight this evening.  Oh, What Fun!


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