Friday, November 22, 2013

11-22-2013 Favorite Quote of the Day

Ashlynn, age 7, in discussing autumn, falling leaves, wind: "even the baby trees will be bald when all the leaves are gone!"

Favorite doctors: dermatologist (yesterday) and opthamologist (today)---no weigh ins!

Report from opthamologist: my eyes have changed considerably in the past two years.  I am becoming far-sighted.  I can try a different size "reader" but probably will like full time glasses again.  

I had Lasix nearly ten years ago, and have enjoyed every minute.  It was an ah-ha moment when the surgery was finished.  I am realizing that I am not seeing as well as I did and can accept that I need to wear glasses.  I did--from high school till ten years ago; and will again!

Glen's report from opthamologist: no change in the last year.  Good news.  Just use readers as needed.

There's just one more doctor's appointment next week.  That will be it for the fall session of appointments.  (okay, maybe another if I can see Sarah's eye doctor next week before we leave.  The opthamologist doesn't write glasses' prescription.  That's another doctor.)

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