Thursday, November 28, 2013

11-28-2013 Stick A Fork in Me, I am Done!

Just like most homes, the table--or in our case--the counter was laden with bowls and crock pots and pans of the most delicious food.

Then, there were the desserts! 

There were 18 adults and 4 children for lunch.  About five p.m. 4 more arrived.  

Beth and Craig have a wonderful home with plenty of room for all of us!  Thank you both for hosting the Hickey clan this year.

Two of the group went to WalMart to check out the bargains.

Glen spotted an air compressor in the Lowe's ad.  He drove by the store, but it was closed.  It truly is a Black Friday bargain.  

One of the blessings today was sunshine and 43 degrees,  The day started at 16 degrees.

If you are traveling tonight or tomorrow, be safe.

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