Saturday, January 25, 2014

1-25-2014 Delicious Lunch

The local Luthern church hosted a fund-raiser lunch today.  The choices: chile or chicken noodle soup with a side of cole slaw and homemade dessert.

Gary chose chile, Evelyn, Glen and I chose chicken noodle soup. Both choices were scrumptious!  And, even better, someone else cooked!

This afternoon we watched the Missouri Tigers basketball team win over South Carolina.  Watching a win is so much better than watching a loss.
Evelyn wore her "Mizzou" t-shirt to lunch.  

The lady across the table from her asked if she was from Missouri.  "Yes". "Where?" "We (the lady across the table) are from Lake of the Ozarks. Our granddaughter is a Golden Girl (dance team) for the Tigers."  It's a small world.   

We watched the past week's Tivo-ed "Jeopardy!" shows this afternoon.  Have I mentioned Gary and Evelyn are wired into our satellite signal so they watch what we watch.  Hope they like "Jeopardy!"

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