Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014 Saturday Comments referring to picture previous page

I took the picture of the thermometer with my phone; sent it to my email; copied and pasted it to the blog, because I couldn't figure out how to send it to the blog.  Nor could I figure out how to blog on the same page. was a beautiful 83 degree day!  We ate lunch...chili dog....outside and watched the Mizzou basketball game.  It was a squeaker, won by two points.  

We also sat outdoors to watch the first of two NFL football games.  Seattle Seahawks beat the New Orleans Saints.

We are now indoors.

We checked out the monthly flea market at the Lakefront RV Park.  There were mostly "hobby" items: crocheted or knitted dish clothes, jewelry, decorated t-shirts, etc; nothing we were interested in.  

Glen and Gary once again worked about three hours on the wiring project for neighbor Jim.  I think there is about half a day's work left, at least not much left.

There was 30-minute break or so for Glen and Gary to meet Fred at the church to check out the air conditioner/furnace unit. 

There was a very annoying squeak every time the unit kicked on.  They replaced the belt for the squirrel-cage fan and the filters.  They say it will be better tomorrow.  

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