Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014 If its Tuesday, It must be Jam SessionW

We spent much of the day outdoors.  There was blue skies, bright sunshine, low humidity, light breeze from the south.

Light breeze from the south....as opposed to high winds from the north like yesterday. 

Tonight there is moonshine from the full moon all over the place.  

Glen replaced mudflaps on the front of the motorhome this morning.  He then spent some time trying to repair the patio propane heater.

It wouldn't light.  He eventually decided what needed replaced was the propane regulator.  He bought a new one, switched it with the faulty one, and tried lighting it again.  No luck, it wouldn't light.

Three hours later he was back on the patio, tried lighting it again....and viola! it lit, and stayed on.  Success.

Gary and Evelyn prepared a pot of delicious potato soup with a side of corn bread for lunch.  Good eating.  

Tonight was Jam Session.  There were 12 performers on stage.  There were some technical difficulties with the microphone Glen was using.  During one song the audience could only hear about every other word.  Glen was aware there were problems but didn't know it was the microphone until the host changed out the microphone.  

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