Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014 Laredo TX

Here's the deal.  I know, really I do, how cold it is in central Missouri and the US; I have talked to family members in Missouri, Iowa, friends in Indiana, etc.  I know about wind chills, below zero temps, icy roads, waiting for the bus, breaking ice on the pond, feeding hay.  

But, down here in south Texas, a high of 39 degrees makes people bundle up like they were in Chicago!  Today in Walmart in Laredo I saw shoppers with heavy coats, hoods up, scarf around their neck, covering their mouth and nose; only their eyes visible.  

Instead of staying indoors all day, we went to Laredo.  Glen and Gary had a list of supplies needed for their electrical project.  Evelyn and I had grocery lists; stops at Kohl's planned.

Lunch was Red Lobster!  Gary was ready for something without rice and refried beans! lol

When we got home our neighbor had left us half a dozen fresh picked grapefruit on our doorstep!  Boy, those will taste great for breakfast.

Glen, Evelyn, and Gary went to Fred and Gay's tonight for music.  At the last stop --Lowe's--I did some sneezing.  On the way my I was sniffling and nose wasn't normal.  I didn't want to share whatever was coming over me.  I stayed home.

Sometime during the evening it all went away.  No more sniffles.  Guess it was a reaction to something in the air.  

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