Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19, 2014 Down Mexico Way!

Up and at 'em early this morning.

We were at the doctor's office this morning at 7:45.  It didn't take long to see the doctor.  She signed the lab order.  Now, I am ready to get to the lab tomorrow.

It was then south to the Valley.  

Are you familiar with the Valley?  It is the area in the tip of Texas where the first winter Texans started spending the winter months many years ago.  The cities of Mission, McAllen, Pharr, Donna, Alamo, Weslaco, south to Brownsville make up the Valley.  

The first stop was the Don/Wes Flea Market, open on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.  You can find sunglasses, t-shirts, fruit, vegetables, RV parts, dominoes, purses, hats, used books, signs, and much, much more.  We found a couple of RV parts that we needed.  

It then was on to Nuevo Progreso, across the border from Pharr.  Are we frightened? NO.  Is there danger? no.  There are no obvious security, no armed soldiers.  It is not a police state.  Nuevo Progreso is a extremely poor border town, existing strictly by welcoming Winter Texans to the many pharmacists, eye doctors, dentists, trinkets, jewelry, black-market movie DVDs, restaurants and liquor.

Winter Texas flock to the cheap medicine available at the pharmacies.  The medicine is sealed, dated, labeled.  I feel that is is safe to use...and we do buy antibiotics and an occasional prescription medicine.  Many Winter Texans have dental work done there, or buy eye glasses there.  

Don't worry, Dr. Gary, we do not have our dental work done there!

Gary and Evelyn bought several bottles of Mexican vanilla.  

We enjoyed lunch at the Red Snapper, where waiters vie for your attention and the right to seat you when you enter the door.  Gary enjoyed a chicken fried chicken plate ($4.99), Glen enjoyed broiled shrimp (8.99); Evelyn and I each had a fried buttered shrimp (6) plate with french fries, and flavored rice.  Each of us also had a salad.   

By the way it costs 50 cents to go into Mexico; 35-cents to return to the USA.  Customs asks what you bought when you come back to the USA.  Liquor purchasers must pay Texas tax when then re-enter the USA.  

We headed north to Zapata, which is a two-hour trip, arriving back about 6:15.

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